
2022- The Hague / Pulchri / Existence  and book presentation

2019- Amsterdam / Kunstkapel / Wenteling

2019- The Hague / Pulchri/ The Incognitos/ Students

2019- The Hague/ Pulchri /Sustain Ability Art

2019- Amsterdam/ Centrum van Beeldende Kunst/ Sustain Ability Art

2018- The Hague /Mseumenacht / Gemeentemuseum

2018 – The Hague/ I am a murdere /Pulchri

2018 – The Hague /XXL, XXS  polchri

2017 – The Hague/European Patent Office

2017 – The Hague/Pulchri  ( Balance)

2014 –  The Hague/Pulchri ( I feel your soul ) solo

2009 –- s’ Hertogenbosch/Beurs, antiek/ Modern

2009 –- Rotterdam/Beurs, Primavera

2007 –- BeijerlandBeelden Bij Beljon solo

2006 –- Noordwijk/zoetmulder works of Art  solo

2006 –- Amsterdam/Gallery RoudolfV solo

2005 –- Niezijl/Gallery Ruigewaert  solo

2005 –- The Hague/Pulchri  ( The Loneliness of Protest ) solo

2005 –- s’ Hertogenbosch/Beurs, antiek/ Modern

2005 –- Amsterdam/Beurs PAN

2005 –- Belgiom/Beurs Art Nocturne

2004 –- The Hague/Pulchri/solo

2004 –- The Hague/Group exhibitions

2003 –- Leiden  Kunstveiling

2003 –- The Hague/Pulchri

2003 –- The Hague/City Hall

2002 –- Amsterdam/Gallery RoudolfV/Solo

2002 –- The Hague/Pulchri

2001 –- Amsterdam/Gallery RoudolfV/solo

2001 –- Amsterdam/Gallery RoudolfV

1998 –- Losser/ gallery “t Nien End/solo

1985 –- The Gague/Move Your world Exposeert

1984 –- The Hague/Prinsegracht 8/ solo

1974-1984 –-Iran/diferent exhibitions